Native Asset Exchange

Swap and Earn with your native assets

What is Thorchain?

Decentralized Exchange Infrastructure

THORChain is a network that facilitates native asset settlement between Bitcoin , Ethereum , BNB Chain , Avalanche , Cosmos Hub , Dogecoin , Bitcoin Cash , Litecoin & Base

THORChain is secured by its native token, RUNE, which deterministically accrues value as more assets are deposited into the network.

Anyone can use THORChain to swap native assets between any supported chains or deposit their assets to earn yield from swaps.

THORChain Logo
THORChain Swap Quote
Bitcoin Bitcoin

THORChain Key Metrics

Network Statistics

Total Value Locked


Total Liquidity


Total Validator Bond


Lifetime Volume


Total Pool Earnings


Total Swap Count


Unique Swappers


24h Trading Volume


Active Validators


Providing Native Asset Infrastructure

Built With THORChain

The top wallets and exchanges use THORChain as a noncustodial cross-chain swap provider

Ledger logo
Trust Wallet logo
OKX logo
Bitget logo
THORSwap logo
ShapeShift logo
THORWallet logo
Li.Fi logo
Zengo logo
Cake Wallet logo
Jumper logo
CTRL logo
Asgardex logo
Vultisig logo
Rango logo
TokenPocket logo
Symbiosis logo
Keplr logo
Unizen logo
Edge logo
OpenOcean logo

Trust Minimized Infrastructure

THORChain was designed from first principles to minimize trust and become a scalable, economically secure cross-chain communication and settlement layer. Dozens of exchanges rely on THORChain to process swaps for their users & more.


Native Asset Swaps


Streaming Swaps


Dual Liquidity


Savers Vaults


DEX Aggregation


Smart Contracts


Secured Assets


Native Asset Security

Swap assets without relying on wrapped tokens. Provide liquidity and maintain custody.


Native Assets

THORChain allows native cross-chain swaps without wrapped or pegged assets. Users don’t need RUNE to pay for transactions. The only requirement is a transaction on the first chain.


Swappers always maintain self-custody of their funds, so they are always in control, including directly from a hardware wallet. Liquidity providers funds are always solvent, visible, and verifiable on the blockchain - secured by the open source code.

Single Asset Liquidity

Savers Vaults allow anyone to provide liquidity to THORChain and earn from swap fees without exposure to RUNE.

Secured by RUNE

Node operators bond RUNE to enter the network. Their bonds are worth more than the assets they secure. THORChain’s open source code keeps funds safe.


Chain Agnostic Service Provider

THORChain’s strong foundation for cross-chain communication enables much more than swaps.

New features and primitives undergo extensive research, design, and debate by the community and are subject to THORChain's node governance processes. New blockchains are connected periodically.

Community Updates

Live Podcasts

Live podcasts held semi-weekly by the community on 𝕏 Spaces. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.


THORChain Medium

Get the latest updates and news about THORChain.


THORChain University

Learn how to use THORChain to trade or earn yield through TC University with one-on-one support and guides.


THORChain Documentation

Read about the protocol in more depth by visiting the THORChain documentation.